As an immigrant to the United States — having moved here from the UK in 2005 — I have a deep appreciation for this country. Despite the fact that some in government want to place restrictions of everything we do down to the size of drinks we buy, what amazes me most about the United States is the spirit of freedom that exists amongst much of the populace.
There are many places in the world where people could not tell freedom from oppression if it hit them on the head like a brick. In the United States it is just the opposite — this is not a nation that could be easily enslaved. Freedom is not just something people have because they are not oppressed by an outside force. Freedom is a state of mind. In America a mindset of freedom is prevalent.
Because of this, Passover–celebrating the freedom of the ancient Israelites from Egyptian slavery 3500 years ago–is the perfect American holiday. It represents the victory of the oppressed over the oppressor. But most of all if is a celebration of a mindset of freedom.
Often times we can be physically free but in our heads we are enslaved. There might be things that we feel we must do or live up to–expectations that others, family, friends or society, have imposed upon us and we feel obligated to fulfil even if it is not an authentic expression of who we are. We can also be enslaved by our own bad habits and mistakes. Our own perceived limitations are another thing that can enslave us. We think that we are not good at something or that we are just not cut out for certain things.
A mindset of freedom says that nothing, no limitations or expectations, either internal or external, can stop me from achieving my full potential for both myself and the universe around me. This is what the story of the exodus is really all about and it is this mindset that has made America great.
In the story of the exodus the idea of educating children was an important part of instilling a mindset of freedom. The first thing that Moses stressed to his people following the exodus was education. He wanted them to educate their children in general but in particular he wanted them to teach their children about freedom and how it differs from slavery. A mindset of freedom can only exist within a society that prizes education as a strongly held value and where freedom is understood, appreciated and instilled in our children.
During the traditional Seder meal held on the first two nights of Passover we read a short book entitled ‘The Haggada ‘ which contains the story of the exodus. Haggada is Hebrew for transmitting knowledge. At the Seder meal we transmit the importance of understanding and appreciating freedom.
These values of education and the freedom of spirit to reach one’s full potential are quintessentially American. Thus, Passover in general and the Seder meal in particular are in fact an American as well as a Jewish concept and celebration.
Because of this I have decided to buck the tradition that suggests that the Passover Seder meals are only for Jews and instead invite all Americans to join me in celebrating this great festival of freedom.
This year Judaism in the Foothills is opening up its Passover Seders to Americans of all faiths and backgrounds. I hope you will consider celebrating freedom with us.