In Torah portion Tsav (Leviticus 6:1 – 8:36), we encounter the continuation of the sacrificial laws and the detailed consecration ceremony for Aaron and his sons into the priesthood. This pivotal moment in the Israelite community’s development underlines themes of leadership, sanctity, and the grave responsibility bestowed upon chosen individuals….
Category: Theology
The Way of Life and Moral Living: A Kabbalistic Perspective from Derech Chaim by Rabbi Haim Vital
Introduction Rabbi Chaim Vital, a seminal Kabbalistic figure, left an indelible mark on Jewish thought. Born in 1543 in Calabria, Italy, and later settling in Tzfat, Israel, he became one of the chief disciples of Rabbi Isaac Luria. He was instrumental in transcribing and disseminating Luria’s teachings, culminating in influential…
What Jewish Theology?
Jewish theology is a huge topic and I could not possibly do it justice in a short article. In this series I am trying to give a personal account of why I care about Judaism, so here I will explain Judaism’s approach to theology from the perspective of my own…
Why Won’t God Revel Himself Again?
This coming week (Sunday and Monday) celebrates Shavuotthe festival commemorating the giving of the Torah on Mount Sinai. As a Jew I believe that there was a divine revelation at Sinai thirty five hundred years ago. This revelation, I believe, took place in front of thousands of people. But hereÍs…
How Not to Debate an Atheist
There was a recent debate between a Rabbi and the ailing atheist Christopher Hitchens about the afterlife. I was sent a clip of the debate which I listened to carefully. The rabbi was clear that he personally believed in a posthumous heaven but only because his religion told him it…
God: The Prototype Husband
My wife Sheindy has a simple philosophy for increased productivity: “People should first do the necessary and essential chores they do not enjoy and only then go on to do the more pleasurable jobs.” She maintains that having something to look forward to when one is done infuses the chores…
God, How Could You Be So Cruel?
There are no words to adequately describe the horror caused by the tsunami. Watching the disaster unfolding on the film taken by an amateur cameraman in Aceh, Indonesia, left me shaking. How quickly the terror struck! People were going about their daily lives one second and drowning the next. Over…